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The Life of Our Chickens

Our chickens come from the family-run Kruse Hatchery (5 miles away)...

...They then spend roughly 2 weeks in a brooder, a safe environment inside that protects them from the elements while they grow stronger and feather out. Here they have room to run, access to drink and food, heat from a heat lamp, and a deep bedded floor made of pine shavings...


...After they are mature enough to handle the elements outside, we move them to pasture! This is the heart and soul of it all. Here they will spend the rest of their lives, about 6 weeks, ranging throughout our pasture scratching and pecking for the bugs and grass they love so much in their natural environment. At night we move them to a mobile hoop coop that provides further protection.  Every few days we move the electric netting and hoop coop to a new patch of pasture, letting them explore and range anew!... 

...Finally, after about 8 weeks of good and healthy living, the chickens are ready to be processed (butchered) at Martzhan's Farm (58 miles away).

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